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The American Cancer Society
The American Cancer society site is a good place to start reading about any sort of cancer. A search on breast cancer will turn up plenty of information.

Dr Susan Love
Dr Susan Love's site, billed as "the website for women", provides loads of detailed, reader-friendly information about breast cancer.

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation site provides basic and easy-to-understand facts about breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer Fund
The Breast Cancer fund focuses on the elimination of the preventable causes of breast cancer. It also advocates the development of safe and more reliable screening methods and the development of non-toxic treatment.

The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations
The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations is a good place to kick off doing your own research. Click on "resources" (in the middle column) and then "links to related web sites" to find plenty of useful links.

The National Breast Cancer Coalition
The National Breast Cancer Coalition is a US-based grassroots advocacy organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer. The site contains information about the group's background, as well as a guide to ensuring you get quality breast cancer care.

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Bangkok Breast Cancer Support Group
Tel: +02 256-4991-2 ext 1026
Fax: +02-256-4991-2 ext 1025